You would have thought that after nigh on thirty years of this sort of behaviour the big publishers would have knocked this approach on the head… but no they’re still at it. Nothing, if not predictable.
Librarian 1 writes
Is anyone else somewhat annoyed that another release has been issued by Thomson Reuters less than a month (in fact three weeks in our case) since the previous one, both of them barely more than half a centimetre thick and both costing over £300 each – why could these not have been amalgamated?
Librarian 2 responds
I have had a similar experience with Thomson Reuters Scottish loose-leaf publications. I worked out that one release cost me £9.76 a page, less than 21 pages of information the rest indexes, etc.
If the publishers do not have enough material for a decent release why not just write to say the next update will be delayed. We would then save time updating loose-leaf publications with no new information.