Legal Cheek: Hogan Lovells launches anonymous channel for reporting microaggressions

I am so glad i don’t work in an office anymore…

Hogan Lovells has launched a new scheme for reporting microaggressions in a bid to boost inclusivity across the firm.

The reporting channel will offer a way for lawyers to anonymously log incidents at work, including microaggressions and interactional bias related to gender, race, sexual orientation, or disability.

The new tech, introduced in partnership with reporting platform InChorus, will work alongside other inclusivity initiatives currently in place at the firm, including a scheme which measures and builds racially equitable cultures by tracking racist behaviours, levels of racial awareness, and inclusion barriers.

The firm also runs workshops on interactional bias and microaggressions, anti-bullying, and harassment, alongside having trained mental health first aiders, mental health awareness training, and year-round counselling.

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