Chairman of far right English Nationalist party is Solicitor

Party’s chairman is solicitor Robin Tilbrook. 

Discovered whilst reading this piece in th UK law Gazette

An English nationalist has lost his appeal in a discrimination case, after a court found his views are not capable of protection under equalities laws.

Steven Thomas had his role providing consultancy services to the Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust terminated in 2018.

The trust’s stated reason was that it had come to light that Thomas had an unspent conviction which he had failed to declare. Thomas believed the real reason elated to his philosophical belief, which he described as ‘English nationalism’.

Thomas, who stood for the English Democrats party in several elections between 2004 and 2016, was represented in court by the party’s chairman, solicitor Robin Tilbrook.

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Who is Tilbrook?


Robin Charles William Tilbrook (born 1958) is a solicitor and English nationalist politician who has been chairman of the English Democrats since its foundation in 2002. The party is a right-wing to far-rightEnglish nationalist political party, that advocates a devolved English Parliament, having previously advocated English independence from the United Kingdom.

Early life

Tilbrook was born in Kuala LumpurFederation of Malaya, in 1958.He was educated at Wellington College, Berkshire,gained a BA (Hons) in politics and economics from the University of Kent at Canterbury, and then studied at The College of Law, Chester.[citation needed]

He was a Coldstream Guardsman and has worked in a factory, in junior management, and as a teacher at primary and secondary level.. By 2003, he was a solicitor and a partner in the firm of Tilbrooks in Ongar, Essex. In 2005, he commented after a case, “It is a black day in the courts when they refuse to make a declaration that St George’s Day is a special occasion.”[7]

He’s too tight to pay for a receptionist



The party belives in this sort of thing..

We campaign for a referendum for Independence for England; for St George’s Day to be England’s National holiday; for Jerusalem to be England’s National Anthem; to leave properly and fully the EU; for an end to uncontrolled mass immigration; for the Cross of St George to be flown on all public buildings in England; and we supported a YES vote for Scottish Independence.

We all know where this leads.

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