Australian LN Clients Furious At Australian Law Reports Indian Reprint

Beware LN.. wherever you are on the planet our personal Stasi will find you out and let us know what you’ve been up to.

You may have well appointed two women in Aus & NZ to try and improve and manage the company’s image  but this sort of thing  is just going to make their climb to acceptance just that bit harder.

Our agent in the field write  “They (LN) have now very cynically slapped Australian Law libraries and lawyers across the face by producing an Indian reprint of the Australian Law Reports which is now on sale in India. The slap in the face comes in the form of the recommended price for a complete set which is US$15,900.  Today that converts to AU$20,362.  This is just one third of the last price Lexis quoted people a year or two ago for a local complete set. ”

But then we learn it gets better/worse and even more cynical. We learn that a dealer in law reports in Australia has been  offered up to a 50% discount off that recommended US$15,900 dropping the dealer’s  price AU$10,181 or one sixth of the price being quoted in Australia a couple of years ago.

For years they had a license to print money when it came to reports and looseleaf and now it looks as though the shit really has hit the fan if they are employing these sort of methods to try and generate revenue.

Looking at the company’s worldwide stasis in terms of revenue last year we’d guess that things aren’t really improving if this is what the sales team has been told to do to reach targets.