Australia Podcast: Overcoming problematic drinking in the legal profession

This issue popped up last week in the UK and unsurprisingly it’s an issue in Australia

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Lawyers Weekly Australia

While over-indulgence with alcohol in legal circles is nothing new, it remains somewhat of a taboo topic for lawyers. Overcoming problematic consumption of alcohol is critical for employers and individuals alike to ensure a healthier, happier, and more productive profession. (Content warning: This episode contains content that may be distressing for some listeners. Discretion is advised.)

In this episode of The Lawyers Weekly Show, host Jerome Doraisamy is joined by lawyer-turned-counsellor and coach Isabella Ferguson to discuss her journey in the legal profession, her struggles with “problematic” drinking while working as a practitioner, and how and why she now works as a counsellor and coach to legal professionals.

Ferguson also delves into the rates of problematic drinking among the legal cohort and the myriad impacts this has on lawyers (both personally and professionally), as well as the consequences for legal workplaces, the ways that legal employers can better support their workers, and what individuals can do to ensure they are living healthier existences.

Help is available via the Alcohol and Drug Information Service on 1800 250 015, as well as via Lifeline, Beyond Blue, and related resources. State and territory law societies and bar associations also have support resources available via their websites.

Listen to the podcast at