A Guide to Reliable Sources of Legal Information for Litigants in Person

Compiled by Sally Mclaren.This guide aims to consolidate sources of law and legal information accessible to Litigants in Person. All information provided was accurate at the time of publication [March 2024].The guide is available as a PDF, available to download for free.

Contents Introduction page 3 Getting Help & Advice pages 4-6 Finding Representation page 7 Resolving Disputes Without Going to Court pages 8-9 Fees & Funding pages 10-11 Representing Yourself page 12 McKenzie Friends page 13 Guides for Litigants in Person pages 14-16 Books for Litigants in Person page 17 The Courts page 18 Court Guides & Rules pages 19-20 Court Forms page 21 Other Useful Guides page 22 Personal Support Units page 23 Legal Research page 24 1 Contents Free Sources of Case Law & Legislation page 25 Key Legal Works page 26 Legal Textbooks pages 28-32 Dictionaries, Glossaries & Legal Abbreviations pages 33-34 The British Library page 35 City of London Libraries page 36 Public Libraries in London pages 37-43 Academic Library Access for Local Communities pages 44-45 Free Online Courses pages 46-47 A Note About Generative AI page 48 Organisations pages 49-52

Download for free at  https://sourcesforlitigants.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/a-guide-to-reliable-sources-of-legal-information-for-litigants-in-person-4.pdf